
4 tips to secure plant material amid a supply slump


Recognizing landscaping professionals could be a part of the trickledown effect that is plant buyers facing a shortage of materials, Plantbid CEO Cameron Cantrelle jotted down four tips for contractors to secure their orders when supply is down.

They are as follows.

1. Develop relationships. 

Building a relationship with your supplier helps to ensure you get first access to available material. You’re also more likely to receive the latest updates on availability and pricing options.

2. Contract early.

Recognize you have an upcoming job to fill? Start your search and buying process early.

3. Be open. 

Be willing to expand your search and look at new growers. It may require that you step outside of your comfort zone and/or utilize a new technology.  There are several resources available to buyers to help search databases and more efficiently purchase materials. This could mean leveraging associations’ books of plant materials or using advanced technology platforms.

4. Make a deposit. 

It may seem obvious, but there’s no better way to secure your product than by putting down a deposit.

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