
High Performance: Excelling in a compressed spring



Many of you in the northern regions have been affected by late spring snow storms, pushing back the transition to spring work. While we have no control over the weather, we do have control over how we respond. As my pastor says, “Our response is our responsibility.”

So, what can we do? How can we take advantage of the situation in a way that sets us apart and even allows us to excel in a compressed spring season?

The first thing we can do is to realize that in a compressed season, there are few shortcuts to be found. Most everything you planned to accomplish in a normal spring season still needs to be accomplished, only with less time. This may seem obvious, but what are you doing about it? How are you adjusting schedules or staffing plans? How are you going to proactively and aggressively stay ahead of what’s coming? Special circumstances demand special operations to be deployed. If we fail to act differently, we will be buried by the onslaught of spring.

The second thing we can do is to dramatically increase the amount of communication we have with our team members, customers, vendors, families and any other stakeholders involved. Things may not be normal for a while and this may not be a normal spring. By proactively communicating with those who will be affected, we have an opportunity to take our relationships to a deeper level, built on respect and trust. If we fail to communicate effectively, we run the risk of damaging these precious relationships.

The third thing we can do is to enjoy the ride. We work in a great industry and have new opportunities to make a difference every day. Find your mission statement and read it again with fresh eyes. When we approach our work with the right perspective, our days are filled with purpose, meaning and hope that the seeds we plant today will bear fruit in the future. If we lose sight of the meaning, our work will feel like a burdensome grind. In a compressed spring season, we will quickly be defeated without the right perspective.

So, it’s a compressed spring with less time and more pressure. Are you feeling the squeeze yet? How will you respond? Your response is your responsibility. My hope is that you will rise to the occasion and excel in a compressed spring.

Now go forth.

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Phil Harwood

Phil Harwood is a Senior Advisor with Tamarisk Business Advisors. Contact him at phil.harwood@tamariskadvisors.com.

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